Has anyone else received their gift card for signing up and creating their first post?

This company has an advertisement on Facebook claiming that they will give a $15 gift card to any new user that signs up and creates their first post. I see a lot of people asking this same question, so I’m assuming it’s a scam. It’s there something I’m missing. Any help would be appreciated


not yet- but its only been two days.

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Same here. Can you post a update if you ger the gift card?


@Magicman3 @Awayout @gabbi_blondie

All three of your gift cards have been processed. Please check your email and spam for a message from “Tremendous” over the next 24-48 hours.

Please note, gift cards are only valid in the USA.

We hope you enjoy the forum!

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Are you a actual admin or?

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I am, how can I be helpful?

I am also a woman in long term recovery, 11/22/2016 :slight_smile:

Trying to make sure I get a gift card for my first post

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Okay, you’re all set! We’ve added you to the list and will be processing your GC today. You should receive an email within two business days, so be sure to check your inbox and spam folder or search for “Tremendous” That is how you will redeem your GC.
All the best!

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Hello, it’s been two days and I haven’t also received my Gift card, thank you!

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Hi @marcusdavis30

Your gift card was processed 12/26/24. Please note processing times are running 3-4 business days as we have received a large response.

Also - please check you SPAM, and search the word “Tremendous” to redeem your gift.

Thank you for being a part of the Recovery Collective and Happy New Year!

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I got mine!

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Not yet still hopeful

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I await patiently and also more insightful participants contribution ahead

I got mine


It will come


I believe you will receive it tho i haven’t lets keep calm

Just signed up and created my first post. I’ll continue to use the site as long as I receive the $15 gift card they promised. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


This is a friendly reminder that multiple accounts are not allowed. Additionally, gift cards will not be honored for accounts that violate this policy.

Thank you for your understanding!
Team RC!