I was invited here through an ad on Facebook to share my addiction recovery story

I saw a post on Facebook promoting this company saying they offer $15 gift cards to new members that create their first post. I hope to inspire other with my recovery story. I’ve been an alcoholic all of my life, but when my son died in 2022, I went down a terrible spiral that almost ended my life. That’s when I realized how selfish it was to just drink to make myself try to forget. I should be remembering him for an the good things we did together, not trying to wipe my memory clean with alcohol. Sometimes it takes something devastating to really wake you up and really start to take back control of your life. But, just knowing the same could happen to you, should inspire you to abstain from drugs and alcohol as well. Best of wishes to all of you. Thanks for the opportunity to share my story.


Your story is truly inspiring. God uses our pain to lead us to healing and strength. Your courage to break free from addiction and honor your son’s memory is a powerful testimony. Keep sharing. It will inspire others to find hope in Him. Blessings on your journey!