1/27 - good morning and QoTD

Monday mornings always feel groggy to me so we’re going light hearted today.

If you could have one superpower what would it be?

Personally, I’d like to be able to fly. Seems like it would be fun to glide around, sometimes really low to the ground buzzing around. Mostly it would make getting places so much quicker and more fun.


It’s Monday so this would probably be different on another day, but invisibility would be nice lol.

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Ability to talk to animals… or teleportation. Or fly… I think talk to animals. Or wait! Heal wounds… to be a healer. Theres too many! Flying would be the most fun. Or Teleportation… The power to make a decision!


Talking to animals would be awesome and I love the idea of being able to heal. Would that include stupid? Could you heal stupid?


unfortunately there is unwavering proof you cannot, heal stupidity :joy: