1/29 - Thorney Devil and a QoTD

Middle of the week. Equal distance from last weekend and next weekend.

What are some ways you spend your time when you’re not grinding away making that bank?

In addition to all the normal life maintenance stuff I do a few things. Running is a big one. I got the running bug about 15 years ago and it’s now a major part of my life. I also dabble with some woodworking. Nothing spectacular but I like to build things that make a little difference. It seems most of the things recently have been in the kitchen.


First off I enjoy this badass looking Lizard. My current endeavors in my off time are spent researching muskies, building muskie lures, and I am also part of a few different muskie groups that are trying to improve our fisheries.

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Long time lurker, first time poster. I’m really digging these questions of the day (and accompanying pictures lol).

Over the holidays, I went to thrift stores and secondhand stores and bought a bunch of cookbooks, so I’m trying to make at least one meal a week using a cookbook. So far, my favorite cookbook has been Alison Roman’s “Nothing Fancy” (you can check out some of her free recipes here).

But yeah, I’m hoping to turn my amateur chef experiments into a monthly dinner party I host for friends! I love making food for beloveds, enjoying each other’s company and eating delicious things. :yum:

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Now that the sun is shining again I try to step away throughout my workday and just stand outside soaking it in. On my lunch break I will go out for a walk, and then after work I will take the kids to the park.

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I try my best to play guitar at least 1 hour every week. Music is so beneficial to me in so many way. Being a me to be creative or just jam to something has been a great past time for me through pretty much every phase of life.

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