Trying to navigate recovery in a marginalized community has been most difficult for me because it is hard for me to know who I can trust. When I was living in California it was never something I really considered, however moving back to Minnesota, it seems to constantly be on my mind because im always reminded of my differences. Not only am I queer, but being BIPOC in a city that deems me the minority sometimes plays with my head big-time. To add insult to injury, I classify as Non-binary, ot in the indigenous community two spirit, so that builds an even bigger rift in alot of the spaces I enter, and self acceptance has been my biggest crutch to lean on. But what I find is even in the queer community, there is a lack of acceptance of people of color in spaces predominantly occupied by what I will call, “the lighter variety.” Especially being mixed, it is hard to fit in on either side, and I find myself triggered easily, with not many people to talk to.
Thank you for sharing this with us! We hope you feel valued and respected in our community and continue to share your thoughts here. Would you mind sharing how you support your recovery and any resources you find helpful? Your experience could make a difference for someone else!
Hey Kwimby Its shit when you find yourself somewhat “othered”. Your intersectionalities bring such a beautiful unique light to the world and its so needed. The world would be a horrible place without uniqueness and celebrated diversity in all its forms and it sucks some people and spaces don’t see that. Keep moving forward and leaning on that self acceptance. The right space will find you or you will build it yourself. MN can be a cold place, and not just the temp.