Hello Everybody

I have know that I have a drinking problem for a while now. Fortunately I have never gotten a DUI or ever really been in trouble, but I have noticed that it has started to affect my memory even when I am not drinking. I had assumed it was because of the alcohol but after googling my symptoms and seeing posts about it on reddit I found out that a lot of small things that have been bugging me recently are likely due to the amount of alcohol I have been drinking (6-8 glasses of wine). Now it is almost impossible to fall asleep without alcohol. At first I was just drinking with dinner or after dinner as a way to wind down but now I just can’t sleep no matter how tired I am my brain just doesn’t shut off. I am hesitant to take any pills for the sleeping because I know that alcohol can be dangerous and lethal if mixed with them. I am also worried it will be another thing that I would become addicted to. I tried going to some AA meetings but I didn’t really see the point.