Recently I have noticed that once I start drinking it is really, really hard for me to stop. I try not to let it show when I am out with friends but I constantly have to count and keep track of how many drinks people have had so I don’t have too many, otherwise I would just keep drinking. It is really hard to go to the bar and then get home and not keep drinking. It has gotten so bad that I am blacking out. I try not to keep alcohol in my apartment anymore because it is too tempting. I don’t think I have any history of alcoholism in my family but I am worried I am developing it.
I 100% feel you on that. That is how I knew I was slipping. It gets better if you keep trying. 24 hours at a time my friend, you can do it. Don’t quit cold turkey if you are drinking a lot- it is really dangerous. Check yourself into a hospital if you need to, they can help you just explain why you are there. Also google to see what options are available for you, it might be different in your area and I don’t know if insurance will cover it but you might be able to find a program to help you detox.