I’ve been clean for a month now. It’s been really hard! Any advice?
Trying therapy on sobering
The only advice I usually give people for staying sober is: DON’T GET FUCKED UP…NO MATTER WHAT! That said, there’s a LOT of evidence supporting authentic connection with other people to be invaluable in staying sober/recovering. That has been my experience. To that end, I would say seek your people! Many people find it in recovery-focused communities like 12-step programs, Recovery Dharma, SMART groups, etc… Some find it through other avenues too. I think it’s vital to be willing to try stuff, open to things working or not working, and try other things until you find something that does. RUN THE EXPERIMENTS! There’s a LOT of support for you out here, and a LOT of life to live. Filling up the void that our using created (and could never fill) can be a delightful exploration if you take it on that way. Not to say it isn’t also hard or challenging…but it can be both! I genuinely LOVE being sober, SO much more than loved drinking, and mannnnnnn, I LOVED drinking…more than EVERYTHING for a while there… You’re not alone! Help helps!!
This is key great feedback. Try different things until you find what sticks. Small group (or just one) good friend is more valuable than a million false ones
Therapy, treatment, recovery meetings…doing the next right thing and following your gut and not your heart all can be helpful.
How ya holding up @Nick111 ?