Hey all- new here, excited to be here. Its great to be able to have a group of like minded individuals to connect with virtually. Im about 3 months in, and have been going strong in the rooms. Im feeling a little burnt out though. Its a lot. Im starting to dread it but forcing myself to keep coming back- im fully aware of what happens when I dont. But there has to be a middle ground right? I dunno. Im scared to scale back but worried if I continue ill get resentful and not go at all.
Congrats on 3 months! That’s a big deal. What are you hoping to get out of going to the meetings? Are you getting it? Are you doing the steps with a sponsor too? What are you doing outside of the rooms for your recovery? Doing just about anything but drinking is good for us and will keep us sober. But, if we want to make it sustainable (and enjoyable) we usually have to do a little more than show up in the rooms.
Absolutely… I don’t believe everything AA or other anonymous meetings say. I say find what works. I can totally agree with the dragging of the feet to get there. Sometimes it feels clicky too when its supposed to be all inclusive. Oh, I’m not much of a hugger either.
My experience in getting sober is through 12 step rooms, the 12 steps and being sponsored. Basically doing what the AA program suggests. But I am also aware that path isn’t for everyone. What I have found is that while I need the 12 steps to continue to find the person I want to be, I also need additional activities to be that person.
Having a support network, a sponsor, and a relationship with something greater are what I’ve found in my life to give me the balance that are needed to live in contentment.
Thats a good point- Ive always been an all or nothing person, which is why I am where I am. Big part of me feels like slowing down will cause me to keep sliding back, lotsa fear and Im learning I might not be going to the right meetings for me? Might try a few others with dudes my age. The fuckin hugs