Navigating the various fellowships

I have been in recovery for almost 26 months. Over the course of this time, I have been exposed to the fellowships of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, and Celebrate Recovery. They are all similar, but each also provides it’s own views and paths to recovery. I have also chosen to add going to church as part of my recovery. I don’t believe that my path is the right one for everyone to follow, however I do feel that it provides a solid foundation for recovery. NA teaches that all drugs are equal, including alcohol. AA focuses on only alcohol, and CR focuses on the behaviors and other issues surrounding addiction and recovery. I personally find that I can grow through all of the fellowships. I would like to hear the opinions of others regarding a multifaceted approach to recovery.


I agree that multiple pathways work to stay sober. Honestly it doesnt matter what 12 step program you chose aince its the same principles and there is a higher power in all of them! I too incorporate church into my recovery. I also chair an All recovery meeting which is non denominational meeting. All pathways of recovery are accepted.


Whatever works, fam!!! I’ve recently added Recovery Dhamra to my recovery practices. New perspectives are refreshing. Stay curious!

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AA Works for me. But the old saying is “find a successful person and do what they do”. Success doesn’t have to be just $$, it could mean being fit, being happy, being a great public speaker etc. etc… I have so many great mentors and example of so many great people in my life that so freely have showed me the secrets of being happy, joyous and free. THANK YOU OUT THERE!!!

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