My close friends introduced me to drugs when we were in high school, sooner i realized it’s a wrong path for me, now I’m battling to recover. Hopefully I would get over this very soon.
Hello dear, it’s good you are able to share your story here and even much better you realized it’s bad doing drugs, i wish all the best in your path to recovery, you just stay determine and focus and always note that drugs is bad.
I appreciate this alot
Are you able to find support? Friends, family, or other?
Yes , my parent are really supportive
you’ll, just trust the process
Many people have told me “Come in and sit all the way down in AA” this has been working for me for 7.5+ years now by the grace of God and many friends.
It’s hard most times but I hope you be strong to win
@Best70 its tough when you start at such a young age, at the time you’re building self worth and identity. It becomes very intertwined with addiction. Entering into recovery means we get to gift our younger selves with a chance. You got this
Stay strong and keep leaning on the support around you.
So very true!