Is there such a thing?
Or even a 12 step meeting. I just want to know that there is extra support out there!
Depending on your particular comfortability. The Satanic Temple Sober Faction Has Zoom Meetings every day. Most are non-traditional recovery meetings.
This is on Christmas eve
December 24 @ 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Christmas Eve Party
ICCM Life Center 1812 Park Ave S, MPLS, MN, United States
Please join us on December 24th at 12pm for a free Christmas dinner, message of hope and free Christmas presents for the first 300 families*. *Parents must be present. Children don’t have to attend, but parent must bring Medical Card, Birth Certificate, or SSC for each child (whether present or not).
Struggling to find anything on Christmas day beyond volunteer opportunities
It only takes 2 to have a meeting; perhaps finding one other to hang with can work for you.
True- you could absolutely find a friend to go through the book with or anything really. That does sound nice. 2 friends meeting for coffee and a big book. hmmm