Marijuana addiction

Many think Marijuana is a safe plant to be addicted to.I thought it wasn’t an addictive plant.Untill the day I wanted to stop.My husband wanted to go with my children because of Marijuana.He said it wasn’t something he wanted the children to grow around.That’s when I realized I should stop.Being sober isn’t something easy.I felt sick from time to time but when I saw my kids I kept on going.The children are my strength and the reason I stay sober.

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That’s encouraging. Good to hear you were able to navigate through. I have been through the same and I can attest getting out of that ain’t an easy feat. I managed to come out but it was a very big struggle. I have been sober for 1 year now since I stopped taking alcohol and Cannabis. My family was at a verge of crumbling. One year sober and going strongly. I wouldn’t want to go back at all.

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