
Do you consider people who use Marijuana,vapes, edibles (etc) sober? I am with a chronic smoker and I see so many signs of him being addicted to it. Needs it everyday. First thing when he wakes up he smokes, then all throughout the day until before bed. If he don’t got it he is irritable and crabby. Spends most of his $ on it. Can’t go a day without it. And I also heard people say users don’t withdrawal when stopping but I see it firsthand. Headaches, irritable, tired, no energy, no apetite etc. I am hoping he quits for his health, lungs and to not spend hundreds a month on it. He is sober from harder drugs but he can’t drop weed. The only positive I see from it is it helps with his mood. Just curious on others views on this topic.
Are weed withdrawals bad?
If you stopped did you experience any withdrawals?
Is someone who uses Marijuana sober in your opinion,
Thanks for reading.

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instead of saying if they are sober or not I’ll say that sounds like addictive behaviors.

If the drug or behavior becomes necessary, interferes with their life and not having/doing is a problem then it looks like addiction.

The dictionary definition of Addiction
a compulsive, chronic, physiological or psychological need for a habit-forming substance, behavior, or activity having harmful physical, psychological, or social effects and typically causing well-defined symptoms (such as anxiety, irritability, tremors, or nausea) upon withdrawal or abstinence


From my experience with the ganja, I thought the withdrawals were primarily mental. I had become so accustomed to it being part of my day that it was difficult to learn how to handle the day with out it.

I think with Marijuana things get blurry because it does have some medicinal properties and can be beneficial to people. I think the biggest problem with it is when people aren’t using it for medicinal purposes and use it to “cope/handle” life.