Does anyone else get weird around sober dates? My 6months is tomorrow and feeling werid.
First congrats on 6 months I didnt really count my time because yea it felt weird. I subconsciously found myself being like well maybe after one year I can try like a glass of wine… but I do know it really helped a lot of people. I changed my outlook to more of “goals”? I guess… first goal was increasing my credit score from -5000 to like 500 vs getting 6 months… shit like that. Times always felt weird to me. Dont count the days make the days count… bla bla. Sounds cheesy
Congrats!!! 6 months is great and definitely hard work. I counted time for a few years but it kind of fell off. Sometimes I wouldnt remember until my phone reminded me
congrats on 6 months! thats a big milestone
You just reminded me to check my app It mattered to me a lot for a while, but eventually I just kind of forgot. Until im randomly reminded and its a nice suprise.