Sober anniversary

Do you do anything special when your sober anniversary arrives?

If not, I would recommend doing a self-care activity. Perhaps going to a sports game, spa day or going to a musical. Something rewarding and special for remaining clean.

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Great suggestion. What do you do for self-care?

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I have done Paint Nite (no wine, just some ice water and appetizers or dessert.), Charcuterie board making and dancing classes. It’s fun trying out something new.


Thats great fun!

This got me to thinking.

I see ads for people doing self-care like painting but they always have to add wine to it. For a long time it made me really uncomfortable to do things without drinking… it took away the anxiety, and then just made it worse…

So much of our society associates alcohol with fun or high end stuff. When in reality it is paying money to put poison in your system. I mean don’t get me wrong, if I could have just one… I probably would. Or maybe I wouldn’t because honestly I don’t really like the taste, I don’t need the calories, and my brain just doesn’t work that way!


Nothing against people who do enjoy a drink and can do it “normally” but it just doesn’t make much sense for a brain like mine to only have one…

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Ooooo charcuterie board making would be fun! Did you do this in the twin cities? @Snailyoulater

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I hear you on that. Just being tempted for one glass could be a slippery slope/dangerous.

Do not give in. :wine_glass: :-1:

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Yup, I follow “The Board Loon”, There’s in person workshops and virtual options as well!

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Thanks for sharing this. My anniversary is coming soon and I’ll try some.

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