Sober and Bored

Well…. What do you all do when you are sober and bored?

I mean… it’s kinda a trigger for me. Although if I really think about it I probably will have something productive to do.

I really don’t have any hobbies and don’t know how to find some because people are not my favorite thing!

Anyone have suggestions?


I’m curious about this too.

I tend to doom scroll and spend too much time on the Internet. I do have some hobbies but I just find myself melting into my chair and then a few hours are gone. On the plus side I’m sober.

I’d rather find a way to kick myself out of the chair and do anything else. Clean, go for a walk, pickup another hobby, …


shit I have nothing lol also no hobbies. Im not a good one to answer this because I turn to social media and TV. But thats what I have for now, so we’ll run with it and tackle creating better outlets for boredom once I tackle all the other shit in my brain :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I dive real hard into random DIY art projects or house projects. Sometimes invest a little too much money into it, and then rarely do it or complete it. BUT sometimes I do and its incredibly rewarding. Just doing a random Pinterest project. I could also thrift until my legs fall off. I would say 50% of the time I dont buy anything but I could spend an entire day in a good thrift store


I got another dog. Not the best option for everyone. But they keep me busy. And my cats. Get a good lazer pointer a few cats youll never be bored.


Ill preface this with saying ANIMALS ARE NOT THE SOLUTION TO BOREDOM and also I second the cats :laughing: If your space allows it. I finally got to a place where I could get one from a rescue and damn I love that cat. Im about to go see if I cant find a cheap lazer somewhere haha


My first roomate got a dog early in recovery (a Husky puppy) and that was tough. BUT it did teach us accountability, gave her something to take care of and boy do we love that dog.


A Husky! Talk about jumping into the deep end of the pool. Wonderful dogs. Kinda like having a toddler for 15 years.


I guess I have 2 answers / suggestions here.

  1. Find something new you want to learn or something new to invest in. For me and a lot of friends replacing unhealthy patterns with the gym or something active helped quite a bit then made me feel good about myself over time. This year I decided to pick up snowboarding and thats my current binge focus :laughing:
  2. Find something that allows you de-stress. One thing for me embarrassingly enough is grinds in video games. Doing something repetitive eventually gets somewhat relaxing (for me) and at the end to be rewarded always makes me feel accomplished. Another fun one I did was find drawing guides to follow along with on youtube and learn how to draw some cool stuff.

I guess the theme in both of these is finding something to work towards / accomplish at the end.

On a related note. If you’re in the twin cities the Minneapolis parks and rec has a ton of really solid free (or super cheap) courses that are great to either meet new people or try new hobbies for cheap.

I did the ceramics one last summer and really enjoyed it


Thats incredibly accurate lol


Definitely heading to youtube tonight to find some drawing guides! That sounds awesome and definately something I can do. Thanks! Any recomendations on videos?


Solid feedback. Snowboardings bomb, good people out on the hill too. Ill check out the parks and rec for sure- I tend to get so recovery focused i forget theres awesome community things out there too


I went down the rabbit hole of digital art on my tablet and have really enjoyed this channel.

As for pen and paper ive usually followed random people on instagram or other platforms and try to copy their doodle ideas. This youtube video has a lot of good ones that are similar to what I generally just fill pages with haha


My goal is to post a photo next week of my attempt at a drawing through one of those tutorials


I’ll be watching for it!


Hmm, Sober and bored. For me I love to Bead, Read a good book, Do puzzles, Write in a journal, cook new things, bake something new, or a new goal would be to learn how to use my cricut machine! Now would be a good time to do a Vision Board before the new year.


What about volunteering at a pet shelter? I believe there are several around and always needing help… Just a thought.


Thats a great idea!


How is the drawing coming along? I’m looking forward to seeing your start.

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I’ll been sober for 18 years and love been honest with my family again I like to play board games with them and go for a walk with my dog I avoid any areas where I think drug dealers might be