Two day beans

We didn’t have much when I was growing up but I never felt poor. In order to feed all of us we had four huge gardens that we harvested every year. Mom and Nana would can the and fill up every corner of the root cellar. We also raised pigs during the Summer to keep us in meat during the Winter. Even with all of this, though, sometimes we would need to stretch out the food by having two days of beans.
Mom would buy a huge bag of the cheap dry beans and slowly cook them all day long. Then she would make her special sweet cornbread to go with them for dinner that day. Every belly was filled but there was always plenty of beans left over. That is when Nana would handle day two. She would boil add her special blend of spices, and then pour in the left over brown beans to make her delicious Pasta Fasul. When both meals were over, every stomach was stuffed, every heart was happy, and our family of six had been fed for two days for only a few dollars.

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