Are you a runner? Mile in My Shoes looking for Mentors

The Mile in My Shoes 2025 season will startup in a few months and they are looking for run mentors.

MiMS is a Twin Cities based organization with a mission of Running together to transform ourselves, one another, and our community.

We build and support running teams at organizations focused on transitions. Currently we have seven teams at programs for addiction recovery, supporting veterans, shelters for unhoused and re-entry after incarceration.

People with lived experience are strongly encouraged to take a look at being a mentor.

If you’re looking for a judgement free community, like to run and are looking for a way to be involved this is it.

I’ve been a mentor with MiMS for 10 years so I’m happy to answer questions.

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Do you have to be a fast runner or have a lot of experience to be a mentor?

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@InchByInch you do not need to be fast or have a lot of experience. MiMS teams are made up of all abilities. A majority of the people on the teams are not fast or crazy runners.

It’s more about building community and being there.