Celebrating my recovery/earning my 15 dollar reward

We are all strong, nothing, not even my addiction can hold me down. If I can overcome it, so can you. Give yourself credit, dont let something hold you down anymore, take back what from what was taken from you- your life. You deserve it, just like I do. Its never to late, youre never to far in, as long as you still have a breath left in your body, you can fight this and get your life back. Trust me its not easy by any means, you are fighting a demon on your back everyday, but when you win that fight, the weight is gone.


Hi CountrySong!
Welcome to the RC, it seems as though you have some experience within this community. Please continue to share your experiences.

The RC Team

What do you mean? I have experience to this community? Please explain…

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I mean you have experience to share with this community! That is what this is about here, to share with others your experiences in hope that it could help someone else. You never know!

Thank you, I hope to help someone!

Does anyone know when we should receive our reward for sharing?

Yes, thank you for your patience.

We are behind in processing but I expect them to be pushed through soon.