I got hooked on klonopin from a doctor

I started having panic attacks a little more than two years ago. At first they gave me hydroxyzine to help with it but it only made me sleepy without actually stopping the manic attacks. After basically begging my doctor to find a way to help with it (I was already going to therapy) they prescribed me clonazepam which is the generic of Klonopin. I did not realize that they were basically the same as xanax. Now after taking the drugs for almost 2 years I can’t even wake up without feeling like my chest is going to explode if I don’t take one immediately. It is the only thing that gets me through the day. I told my doctor and I am supposed to be tapering down but the anxiety and chest-crushing feeling starts again and I have to take the other half to be able to sit still. I can barely sleep and now I have no idea how i am supposed to move forward with my life and now im worse off than when I started.