Lonely and sober

Hello guys, i really find it very hard discussing my personal life troubles with the people around me, this has cost a lot of stress and most time i really feel depressed, recently i started drinking too much alcohol and is becoming an addiction to me, my problem now is quitting alcohol or at least not drinking too much, i don’t know who to talk to about it and its seriously affecting my mental health.

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I remember how stressful it can be. Do you have a doctor or someone you can talk to about your mental health? Alcohol from what I remember is a depressant even when it makes you feel good. What do you think would be helpful?

I totally get the loneliness. I’m a single Mom my kiddos are a little older and don’t really want to hang out with their mom… but I try to remember that feeling lonely is just that… a feeling, and feelings aren’t facts… and they pass…

What do you do to make yourself happy?

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Hello I truly understand being lonely and my kids are older too they don’t care to hang with me. I used to try to put myself out there and try internet dating to do something different and be pro active in meeting people but that just exhausted me. I lately been getting into skincare health that’s helped me a lot. I feel when I’m doing that I’m put back the energy that’s been taken away. It feels good but everyone is different I recommend focusing on your interests the littlest thing can slowly bring you calm eventually the happiness will follow


You just about described my life!! :laughing: The dating thing is a MESS. People say “go to a bar to meet someone” haha! I think to myself… well, that’s probably not the best place for me to be… :laughing: Id love to meet someone but the effort it takes for online dating is brutal and it doesn’t ever seem to pan out… Maybe that is just me.

I love that you put the focus internally on yourself, I think that is great. People say to do that, but they really never give you a user guide on HOW to do that… I’m pretty concrete and would love some ideas on how to find interests…

Thank you although I don’t wish this on no one but it’s comforting knowing someone out there understand. You right about people saying that but I don’t think is a particular guide other than try to refocus and center your self. I didn’t come up with the idea until I started remembering how before drinking I used to love to put some real pride in myself little things getting like getting my nails done hair clothes all of that but I lost that part of myself when I was drinking I was to depressed to care. I told myself one day you got to get back to yourself even if it’s little and you don’t feel doing so do it anyway like they say fake it till you make it and that’s exactly how I started plus I was determined to show those people who thought I would never get up I used them for motivation to keep going no matter how I feel inside I was determined not the outside show it. I refuse to give them that satisfaction Plus as a single mother with no family I was determined to show my girls they can overcome the hardest of things even if they that support team god is the only real support you truly need and believing I know I’m sounds like I’m saying it’s just that simple but we all know that’s by far the the case but truth is when you truly have none you digging deep is all you have. I wanted my girls to see it done. God forbid if anything was done to them I wanted them to see you can do with just you and god. People at times like to say I’m strong I don’t see it like that there was just no other option. Start on what brings you peace, find your positive things that can give you instance gratitude that helps for the long haul and slowly build on that it’ll eventually just become a natural part of your life. Something positive that could give the good feeling you had when you was abusing/using. Your own personal life plan

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I’m no great advisor but it’s sounds like you’ve come to the realization of the problem and now need some good support. I haven’t been up here long but this seems like a good platform to start. I don’t know if you’ve started meetings but they do help you might have to try attending different ones to see which one fits you but if nothing else just do not give up you have online options too if you don’t feel like traveling. Even if you have to pick yourself up a 100 times do it eventually one will stick accepting you may slip can help with the getting back up. I hope this helped some

I do attend meetings. It part of my schedule! Its pretty great to hear you are so strong and doing this for your girls! I love that!

Happy holidays. I just wanted to share this link to all that may need to hear this. I know I did.

P.S hopefully I did it right and it’s able to be seen. I pretty horrible with technology.

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Thank you.I truly appreciate you say that but it’s hard for me to take that credit because I can’t see it as strength it’s not an option for me it’s either make it or break and breaking is a pill that’s extremely hard to swallow for me.