Even after a couple years of sobriety i still feel super lazy. What helps with getting things done!
oh boy. This one hits close. A few things that work for me
- Lists, best on paper. The physical act of crossing items off the list is helpful
- Small items on the list so I can get that hit of crossing things off
- The Pomodoro method which is about giving yourself breaks. Set a time, like 30 minutes, work for 30 minutes then take a short break then go back at it for another 30 minutes.
- Eat the frog first. If there is something you don’t want to do, try doing that first and get it out of the way.
Sometimes it isn’t about the motivation but setting yourself up for success and then building from the small wins
I try and keep reminding myself @Chelsea … just do it tired. Do it detatched. Do it exhausted. Do even a LITTLE BIT. I struggle hard with motivation and lack of energy.
This is something I struggle with in my own space. It sucks cause instead of making my space my sanctuary I’d rather just be gone than deal with it. But I know I should be thankful I have a space for my sanctuary. As for when I was in active addiction I had no where to call home.