Stress free

What can I do when I’m stressed?


When I am super stressed I try a multiple step approach. I use music to try and reframe my brain’s thoughts initially and then once I feel like I can think about something else; I try and get busy with something completely unrelated to the stress. lol I am also an absolute history nerd so at night when I am stressed and need to fall asleep I put on history documentaries. Then when a new day comes, I try and focus completely on what I can do to solve the thing that is causing me stress.


@Luke has a lot of good stuff in there.

I’ll reinforce the point of trying to understand the stress. I try to look at the stress and figure out what it’s from. Sometimes that thing I think is stress is anxiety and simply getting moving helps me work it out.

I like to do things like puzzles to slow down and have something to focus on while I work on looking at the stress/anxiety.

If I’m really struggling I’ll reach out to a friend/family/professional to talk it through. Sometimes you need people asking you questions to work through it.