Unable to have a savings

I have been trying to save for a very long time now but I don’t seem to be able to go through with it, whenever I save i always end up spending it again on important stuff ( that’s what I tell myself) and before I can start again it’s going to be a long time. I don’t know what to do about it. I have tried cutting down on my expenses but it’s still the same.


What do you spend on majorly?

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I spend my money on food mostly and then I buy things that I thing I needed like the necessary house needs. I also don’t like people complaining about a financial issue beside me when I have the money, most especially my parents so I always come through for them even if not for all.

Saving need one to have financial discipline which is a skill that one need to learn like any other. I struggled having financial discipline for two years. If you wanna save then it means you have to keep in count every single coin you spend. You have to go go extra and make adjustments and this involve cutting down some expenses like frequent hanging out with friends or going to entertainment joints every time and then. You have to take it as a personal journey. You need to plan in advance or rather have an action plan about everything you do and needs finance. Those are some of the strategies I used although you ain’t entirely limited to those.