Words of encouragement from a friend!

Today I received this from a very good friend.
β€œ Thank u ur glowing sis the energy coming off of u is spectacular such a beautiful thing to c native american woman defying the odds stacked up against addiction N striving to b better&better&bring happiness to others all while still living in the heart of the beast where ur addiction started Cass Lake ur a rolemodel :blush:


That is wonderful and something you can carry for all time. Role model is a nice part of your identity to carry forward.


Thank you. I’m just glad I can be a role model to someone and encourage others that living a sober life is possible.

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Role model is an important thing. Showing, through your actions, that there is a different way is powerful. It’s a funny thing too. Sometime the smallest actions or gestures, things you don’t even think about, impact others and they take it forward.