Hi Everyone, I am new here and I would love to ask this question and also get Responses.
Please how do you control Anxiety and also pain of lossing Someone close.
Thank you.
Hi Everyone, I am new here and I would love to ask this question and also get Responses.
Please how do you control Anxiety and also pain of lossing Someone close.
Thank you.
Hey @samf88410gmail.com! welcome. That’s a really hard thing to deal with, and honestly, I don’t have it all figured out either. For anxiety, I just try to take it one moment at a time—maybe go for a walk or distract myself with something simple like music or a show. As for loss, it’s tough. I just let myself feel what I need to feel, and when it gets overwhelming, I try to talk to someone I trust. It’s not perfect, but it helps a little.”
Time. Wounds never really heal, but you learn to live with and around them. I saw something that says grief never really goes away, you just get stronger and the weight of it doesnt hurt as much.