Cocaine addiction

I don’t know where to start.Addiction is a monster,it always want to be fed more and more until it drains you dry.At first you are able to feed it.No one can notice you are feeding it.My parents always thought I was fine.I avoided them most of the time while I was high.They thought I was just being a teenager.By the time they released I was addicted it had become worse.The portion which I was taking had increased so affording it was hard but yet I always found a way.I had sold most of my stuff,and also my brother’s That’s when I realized I needed to stop and I had to go to my parents.They admitted me to rehab,it was hard.I didn’t want to go but I just had to.Nights were long.I struggled a lot.But if I overcome those days I think there’s nothing that can stop me


I can relate to selling things of value… when in active addiction. It was fueled by the drugs, the person I am today would never steal from anyone. Its so common to be so low and desperate to have to do that. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


Very interesting :100:


I totally understand that feeling, I did sort of things I regret right now .
It’s so bad and sad when I think about it .


Wow, very thankful you re getting better

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