what is one thing you learned that has helped you stay sober?
for me it’s just sitting and taking deep breathes when i am thinking of relapsing
what is one thing you learned that has helped you stay sober?
for me it’s just sitting and taking deep breathes when i am thinking of relapsing
Oh I like this question Its that nothing is forever. Everything passes. Feelings, days, heartbreak, illness, it all passes. So if we can just hold on with that firm belief, we can truly get through anything. Some things take a lot longer to pass… but they do
that… I WILL NOT DIE AN ALCOHOLIC! I heard it so many times it was incredibly disheartning. “You will be an alcoholic forever” Then whats the point?
No. I will die a person who lived a full a beautiful life… without drugs and alcohol.
That helped me. A lot.
That im not powerless. What we say to ourselves matters. If I kept telling myself I was powerless over drugs and alcohol, when faced with it I would be. I started telling myself I have the power. I have all the power. Even after the first drink, even after a full on relapse I have the power to stand back up. And that helped.
what triggers were. im old and it was never talked about and if you dont know what they are they can overtake you and mine did for 30 years
I had to learn to stop being so impulsive. Self Reflection has been an important part of my journey and trying to make more rational/calculated decisions.
How do you learn to stop being impulsive @Luke ? Thats a big one for me for sure
Honestly I have focused on slowing my reaction time. I try not to act on anything that can be consequential until I have given it more thought. The hardest thing that I am still working on is saying impulsive shit… My actions have got easier but sometimes I say stupid shit.
RELATABLE! The word vomit yes. Actions and reactions I can manage if im self aware but when I get talking … yea.
That using or drinking won’t help any situation. I’ve come too far to let my emotions get the better of me again.
Never does! I’ve learned too
I fucked around too many times and found out. Learned no one’s coming to save me so gotta do it myself.
Second a lot of what @Luke said - but I think one thing that has helped me here (contextually at least) is being okay with telling people “I need x amount of time to process and reflect on this”. I have never once had anyone push back on that, and its become a really good habit to stick with and really helps with impulsive things as well as reinforces boundaries
That if you build a life worth staying sober for it is much easier to stay that way. Nothing lasts forever except the pain and torment of active addiction.
Hmmm great question. I try and stay mindful of what I’m doing at the moment. With my adhd I really tend to wonder and then I get distracted and overwhelmed and using starts to cross my mind. So I stop and refocus on what I’m doing at that moment.
Ive learned that my recovery is about more then jus saying no to my urges to use, its daily maintenance, positive affirmations, making connections that are there to help me in my time of need. Ive learned alot of ways other then will power to stay sober, and it helps me wen i help another addict who needs my experience strength and hope
I can relate to what you’ve all shared. Throughout my journey I’ve learned that there are 8 things in this lifetime that are constant & consistent…They are Birth, Life, Time, Taxes, Change, Evolution and Death. 417; Acceptance is key for me #Life after Death