What can someone do to escape suisaidal things and teach me more about how to quit alcohol and drug abuse
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First I want to say although this is a community for support we do not provide any emergency assistance.
If you are feeling like hurting yourself, I would consider calling 988, as they will direct you to a local organization to help you.
I also understand that sometimes speaking about suicide is a great first step and can help you find relief.
I have a child who has to fight each day the suicidal thoughts and really has to keep up a strong routine. He has started going to the gym and he is feeling soo much better! It is a natural way to get the positive chemicals moving in your body and it allows you to be able to combat some of these thoughts . At least that is the information my son shares with me when he is dealing with times like these.
I hope you are able to find someone to talk to and support you… . Also please continue to come here and share as long as you are feeling safe. If you are not feeling safe, please reach out immediately for help!
I used to be like that: thinking if people who like to forget that I existed that I will actually kill myself. I’m still coping with that and wishing that I can still matter to the people that care about me. The only thing that I cannot take is the fake love they bring. I just want to live and not take the easy way out when it’s unbearable to live with.
@Qay1999 What do you mean by “Fake love” I want to understand what you mean.
I have been in a so called relationship with my child’s father for a few years. I was hopelessly in love with him and I thought of him the same until he went around and had multiple affairs with other girls. He never wanted me to begin with, he wanted me as a human incubator and a body to do whatever he wanted. I was broken and ashamed of myself but I had to realize that I need to get away from him. Now years later I have and I’m with a man who truly loves and respects me. I thought of him at first that he would just hurt me like any other so called man but he had also been hurt as well and we overcame them by loving each other and venting out our feelings to each other.